Wednesday, 23 November 2011

What are the new trends when it comes to group purchase websites?

Are you getting used to look for the best Melbourne deals at a group purchase website? You are not alone. Specialists believe that the group purchase website sector is going to have an increase of 110% in 2011, both in the number of entries, coupons sales, number of employees as in the websites billing. The natural way for this kind of websites going forward is the layout innovation and functionalities. As in any business, the creation of differentials is the key for the success. There are 5 innovations that probably are the current market trends and the future of group purchase websites.

100% off offers: The websites will probably start, in the next few years, to offer free gifts for the clients. When it happens, the selection of clients will be more important than the amount of sales. This means that it is better to give something free to an exclusive group than charge someone that is not the standard consumer of the business. The initial investment might be bigger, but the profit possibilities in a medium or long term are also bigger.

Customers’ segmentation: People like exclusiveness, comfort and wish to be recognized as part of a group, so divide the clients in different categories may be a possibility in the future. As well as in the flight companies, the group purchase websites will have economic, executive and first class.

Electronic coupons: Because of the increasing concern with environmental responsibility and sustainable business, it will not take too long to the current printed coupons be substituted by cleaner technologies, as well as electronic cards or mobile gadgets.

No more website’s fees: The high fees charged by the websites are incompatible with the model of the democratization of the content on the internet. Therefore, as well as Google, YouTube and Facebook have already done, the group purchase website will have to find alternatives income sources to continue their activities.

Clients’ convenience: Group purchase websites, although the fast raise, is a new business, and has a lot to learn with the general e-commerce. For the next few years, you can expect the applications development focused on the consumer, as well as call centers, better warranties and more precise and detailed information about the offers.

Shareon is an innovative group purchase web site which works in Australia. Every day, the best deals are available in the website, and you can buy anything you want for less than you can imagine. Shareon has the best Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne Deals.
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